June 21 教會第一階段開放

North Texas Chinese Church’s re-opening implementation and practice of conducting worship services and other ministerial service

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Phase one re-opening plan 第一階段開放規劃

  1. Sunday Worship online service option will continue to be available while in-person meetings are reopened in practice. 在實重新開放教會面對面崇拜聚會時, 我們將繼續提供線上主日崇拜服事的選項。
  1. We encourage all attendees who are 65 year-old and above or having an underlying at-risk health condition to remain stay at home and watch the service online. If you catch a cold or flu, please stay at home and not to attend church activities until you are fully recovery.If you have allergy recently and cause you to coughing a lot, we suggest you to refrain from coming to church to avoid unnecessary worry. 鼓勵所有 65 歲及以上的長者或具有潛在健康情況的出席者暫時待在家裡, 並在線上參與敬拜或聚會活動。如果你感冒或流感,請留在家裡,不要參加教會活動,直到你完全康復。如果你最近因為過敏,導致你經常咳嗽,我們建議您不要來教會 ,以避免他人不必要的擔心。
  1. Our ushers and greeters will equip with masks; all attendees must sanitize their hands and put on a mask when entering the building. If you don’t have a mask, church will provide. Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer will be applied for all attendees before entering the worship center.  我們的招待員將配備帶口罩; 所有出席者在進入教會時,請務必使用教會提供的消毒液洗手並戴上口罩。如您沒有口罩,教會將會提供。非接觸式紅外線溫度計將檢測所有進入禮拜中心的出席者。
  1. Child care and Children ministry will remain closed, but if you come with your children, they may sit with you to worship. 幼兒看顧和兒童事工仍然暫停,但是如果你和你的孩子一起來, 他們可以和你坐在一起參加做禮拜。
  1. Youth ministry will continue have online service and in-person service option. 青年事工將繼續提供在線上敬拜和面對面的敬拜選項。
  1. Make sure to sit with your family unit, use social distancing between each unit (6 feet apart). 確保與你的家庭成員坐在一起, 在每個單位之間保持一定的社交距離 (間隔約6英呎)
  1. No passing offering collection bag but will provide a central collection box and online giving. 暫時停止傳遞奉獻袋,可將奉獻投入奉獻箱或線上奉獻。
  1. No Holy Communion service will be held on phase one.Weekly love feast will also be suspended on phase one re-opening. 第一階段暫時沒有主聖餐的服事。愛宴將暫時停止供應。
  1. Wednesday prayer meeting and Friday fellowship gathering will remain meet online. 周三禱告會和週五的小組團契聚會將繼續在線上舉行。
  1. Ministerial staffs will sanitize seats and frequently touched surfaces after each gathering. If you have any discomfort or confirmed COVID-19symptom, please inform us so we can make our emergency arrangement.  服事人員在每次聚會完畢後,會將所有座位和經常接觸的表面進行消毒。如果您有任何不適或確認的COVID-19癥狀,請通知我們,以便我們可以作出緊急安排。


Your physical and spiritual health and safety is our top priority as we plan and prepare for our phase onechurch re-opening.   The Church Council and coworkers will continuously re-evaluate our church re-opening situation and commit to do our best to keep our congregation safe and informed. If you have any concerns or suggestion, feel free to let us know so we can make any necessary adjustment and arrangement.  在我們為第一階段的教會重新開放進行規劃和準備時, 您的身心健康是我們的首要任務。  教會理事會和同工將不斷重新評估我們的教會重新開放的情況, 並承諾盡我們最大的努力, 保持我們的教會安全和訊息更新。如果您有任何顧慮或建議, 請隨時告知我們, 以便我們可以做出任何必要的調整和安排。


近期恢復聚會通知/ NTCC notice


平安!  希望您們都好! 根據州長在5/18的公布,教會將遵循州政府的開放原則,預定恢復聚會的時間將稍後公布! 教會也會有更多詳細的規範在之後公布。




Dear NTCC members & friends,

Grace, peace and health to you all in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

According to Texas Governor’s Executive order issued on 5/18, many of businesses, restaurants, public service and facilities were reopened with certain guideline, even though many people still concern about the present pandemic situation.  The government has given special consideration to houses of worship when issuing orders related to the COVID-19 crisis.

Our church has been closely monitoring government’s order and its plan for the reopening of our in-person fellowship and worship.  These are the updated government guideline for church worship guidance: https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/governor-abbott-and-attorney-general-paxton-update-guidance-houses-worship-texas-reopens

When conducting services, houses of worship may consider implementing the following practices:

  • Encourage all attendees who are 65 and above to stay home and watch the services online, or provide a “senior service” exclusively for attendees 65 and above to attend in person鼓勵所有65 歲及以上的長者繼續留在家裡在線上參與敬拜或聚會活動,或僅為 65 歲及以上的出席者提供「長輩服務」,如果他們想親自參加聚會。
  • Ask all attendees who have an underlying at-risk health condition to stay home and watch the services online.  要求所有具潛在健康情況的出席者待在家裡,並在線上參與敬拜或聚會活動。
  • Equip ushers and greeters with gloves and masks.為接待員和招待配備手套和口罩。
  • Consider keeping child care closed, unless the house of worship can comply with CDC guidelines for child care facilities. 考慮關閉幼兒童看顧事工,除非禮拜場所能夠遵守CDC關於兒童保育設施的指導方針。
  • Ensure all attendees sanitize their hands and put on a mask before entering the building. 確保所有出席者在進入建築物前洗手並戴上口罩。
  • Ensure attendees sit with their family unit, use social distancing between each unit, and, if necessary, add more service times to facilitate distancing.確保出席者與家庭單位坐在一起,在每個單位之間使用社交距離,並在必要時添加更多服務時間以方便實現社交距離。
  • Clergy should dismiss attendees by family unit, maintaining social distancing.牧師應該在聚會結束後安排以家庭為單位的離開教會,在教會保持社交距離。
  • Staff should sanitize seats and frequently touched surfaces between services.服事人員應對座位進行消毒,並在聚會之間消毒經常接觸的表面。
  • Consider refraining from passing collection plates and instead provide a central collection box in the building or encourage online giving.考慮不要傳遞奉獻袋,而是提供一個收集箱在建築物或鼓勵在線上奉獻。
  • Consider how the sacraments can be administered without attendees having to touch the same surfaces and objects.考慮如何執行守主聖餐,而無需接觸相同的餐具表面和物件。

Come back to regular worship and fellowship in person as usual really take time, logistic preparation and faith.  Church will not only follow the government’s guidance for church reopen policies, but will stand up our First Amendment right as well.  We won’t risk our congregation when we come back for fellowship in person.  Therefore, I need you to join with me to patiently pray for our preparation, and God’s protection and guidance.  I miss you all and hope to see you all in person soon.

Nevertheless, We will continue to operate the online service and fellowship to serve our congregation when we later come back in person.  We will continue to meet our members even though not able to be in person but will still through online alternative during the summer time. Once our preparation is done and ready, I will keep you post when we will officially come back.

May God bless you!!

NTCC 線上敬拜 Worship online




我們不能停止我們每週的團契和一起的崇拜。 因此,我們的教會本周開始進行線上崇拜服事,至少在未來兩周內我們將繼續使用網路禮拜。所以請在星期日早上10點登上教會的網站點擊主日線上敬拜,您就可以和我們一起同心敬拜。或是至Youtube搜尋North Texas Chinese Church  就可以看到當週的主日敬拜連結。

至於每週的主日奉獻,你可以郵寄到教會 3501 Cross Timbers Rd, Flower Mound, TX 75028每週的家庭小組聚會將繼續聚集,但將通過Zoom

我會隨時通知大家,並告知您我們的更新,以回應COVID-19的情況。 讓我們繼續為我們的總統、我們的政府、所有的醫療和保健人員、我們的領導人、那些感染了病毒的人以及我們的國家安全祈禱。 願主拯救我們並在困難和挑戰中看到他的作為


Dear brothers and sisters, 

We know as Christians, we are not forsaking our weekly fellowship and worship together.  So our church has started online stream worship service last week and will continue to host our service at least for the next two weeks.  So please go to our church website www.ntcc.org or search on Youtube: North Texas Chinese Church and join our online stream worship at 10:00 am.  Your weekly offering can send to Church 3501 Cross Timbers Road, Flower Mound, TX 75028.  Our weekly family cell group fellowship gathering will remain gathering but through Zoom. 

I will keep you all posted and communicate to you what our update in response to the COVID-19 situation.  Let’s continue to pray for our President, our government, all medical and health care personnel, our leaders, those who are infected by virus, and our national security.  May the Lord help us to behold his works in in this time of difficulty and challenge.” 



  1. If you or your relatives or friends who have been in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Italy and other infected area, please stay home for up to 14 days of monitored self-quarantine and not visit our church.如果您或您的親戚或朋友最近從中港澳台, 日本,韓國,義大利或歐洲等地區來訪,請留在家裡至少14天的自我隔離監測,不要參加我們的教堂聚會。

2. If you catch a cold or flu, please stay at home and not to attend church activities until you are fully recovery.如果你感冒或流感,請留在家裡,不要參加教會活動,直到你完全康復。

3. If you have allergy recently and cause you to coughing a lot, we suggest you to refrain from coming to church to avoid unnecessary worry.如果你最近因為過敏,導致你經常咳嗽,我們建議您不要來教會 ,以避免他人不必要的擔心。

4. Please always wash your hand with church provided hand sanitizer.請經常用教會提供的洗手液洗手。


Most importantly, please don’t panic.  As with cold and flu prevention, the best prevention practices are:  最重要的是,請大家不要驚慌。 與感冒和流感預防一樣,最佳預防做法包括以下:

  1. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water (for the duration of singing “happy birthday”two times) and use hand sanitizer. 經常用肥皂和水徹底洗手(洗手的時間差不多是唱”生日快樂”歌兩次)和洗手消毒劑。

2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth or face in general to prevent spreading virus to key points of entry. 避免觸摸眼睛、鼻子、嘴或面部,以防止病毒傳播到關鍵入口進入身體。

3. Avoid touching surfaces touched by the general public (to the extent possible)


4. Sneeze and cough into your arm. 如果打噴嚏和咳嗽時,用你的手臂遮掩。

5. Stay home when feeling sick. 如果生病時請待在家裡。


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