With broken hearts the Tan family regretfully announces the passing of our beloved sister, Felicia Saw Kee Tan, on Saturday, August 13th, 2022 at Flower Mound, Texas.
A memorial service to celebrate her life will be held on September 3rd at 10 a.m.
Summer NTBI Bible study class is now enrolling. You may go to (https://forms.gle/9mMtV4PuFArBudmw7) to register for your class. Three classes are provided. “The worldview study” (10 weeks) is designed for seekers and those who want to know how to share Gospel with friends. “The New Testament and Old Testament survey” (10 weeks) is for Christians who want to get the whole picture of the 66 books of the Bible. “The Life of Christ” (12 weeks) is also for Christian who want to enrich Gospel knowledge about our Lord Jesus Christ’s life and works. Let’s all make our commitment and spend time studying God’s word during this summertime. I believe it will change your lives and your biblical perspective.