Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 854 4390 1301
Meeting ID: 854 4390 1301
12/20, 12/27 主日將採Zoom 線上敬拜。
Zoom Link:
Youtube: North Texas Chinese Church
現場敬拜:週日早上 10:00am
3501 Cross Timbers Road
Flower Mound, TX 75028
兒童事工從 Aug. 2 開始,有三個不同時段的線上兒童主日學,使用Zoom線上學習。
1. 小熊班 (7歲-8歲) 9:15am-10:00am
2. 大熊班 (9歲-12歲) 11:30am-12:30pm
3. 主日敬拜同時提供現場兒童主日學 10:00am-11:15am
Every Sunday morning, Online zoom Children Sunday classes
New semester register HERE
Welcome all the children join us!
North Texas Chinese Church’s re-opening implementation and practice of conducting worship services and other ministerial service
線上直播,NTCC Youtube link
Phase one re-opening plan 第一階段開放規劃
Your physical and spiritual health and safety is our top priority as we plan and prepare for our phase onechurch re-opening. The Church Council and coworkers will continuously re-evaluate our church re-opening situation and commit to do our best to keep our congregation safe and informed. If you have any concerns or suggestion, feel free to let us know so we can make any necessary adjustment and arrangement. 在我們為第一階段的教會重新開放進行規劃和準備時, 您的身心健康是我們的首要任務。 教會理事會和同工將不斷重新評估我們的教會重新開放的情況, 並承諾盡我們最大的努力, 保持我們的教會安全和訊息更新。如果您有任何顧慮或建議, 請隨時告知我們, 以便我們可以做出任何必要的調整和安排。
平安! 希望您們都好! 根據州長在5/18的公布,教會將遵循州政府的開放原則,預定恢復聚會的時間將稍後公布! 教會也會有更多詳細的規範在之後公布。
Dear NTCC members & friends,
Grace, peace and health to you all in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
According to Texas Governor’s Executive order issued on 5/18, many of businesses, restaurants, public service and facilities were reopened with certain guideline, even though many people still concern about the present pandemic situation. The government has given special consideration to houses of worship when issuing orders related to the COVID-19 crisis.
Our church has been closely monitoring government’s order and its plan for the reopening of our in-person fellowship and worship. These are the updated government guideline for church worship guidance:
When conducting services, houses of worship may consider implementing the following practices:
Come back to regular worship and fellowship in person as usual really take time, logistic preparation and faith. Church will not only follow the government’s guidance for church reopen policies, but will stand up our First Amendment right as well. We won’t risk our congregation when we come back for fellowship in person. Therefore, I need you to join with me to patiently pray for our preparation, and God’s protection and guidance. I miss you all and hope to see you all in person soon.
Nevertheless, We will continue to operate the online service and fellowship to serve our congregation when we later come back in person. We will continue to meet our members even though not able to be in person but will still through online alternative during the summer time. Once our preparation is done and ready, I will keep you post when we will officially come back.
May God bless you!!
我們不能停止我們每週的團契和一起的崇拜。 因此,我們的教會本周開始進行線上崇拜服事,至少在未來兩周內我們將繼續使用網路禮拜。所以請在星期日早上10點登上教會的網站點擊主日線上敬拜,您就可以和我們一起同心敬拜。或是至Youtube搜尋North Texas Chinese Church 就可以看到當週的主日敬拜連結。
至於每週的主日奉獻,你可以郵寄到教會 3501 Cross Timbers Rd, Flower Mound, TX 75028. 每週的家庭小組聚會將繼續聚集,但將通過Zoom。
我會隨時通知大家,並告知您我們的更新,以回應COVID-19的情況。 讓我們繼續為我們的總統、我們的政府、所有的醫療和保健人員、我們的領導人、那些感染了病毒的人以及我們的國家安全祈禱。 願主拯救我們並在困難和挑戰中看到他的作為。
Dear brothers and sisters,
We know as Christians, we are not forsaking our weekly fellowship and worship together. So our church has started online stream worship service last week and will continue to host our service at least for the next two weeks. So please go to our church website or search on Youtube: North Texas Chinese Church and join our online stream worship at 10:00 am. Your weekly offering can send to Church 3501 Cross Timbers Road, Flower Mound, TX 75028. Our weekly family cell group fellowship gathering will remain gathering but through Zoom.
I will keep you all posted and communicate to you what our update in response to the COVID-19 situation. Let’s continue to pray for our President, our government, all medical and health care personnel, our leaders, those who are infected by virus, and our national security. May the Lord help us to behold his works in in this time of difficulty and challenge.”