青少年事工 Youth Ministry

教養 Disciplines:

我們以教導及接解全國性青少年聯會(例如Planet Wisdom)培育青少年們
We strived to disciple our Youth by teaching and exposing our Youth to national conferences such as Youth Conference by Planet Wisdom: Not of This World

團契 Fellowship:

除主日聚會以外我們設計其它聚會活動以利建立友誼。其中每月舉行”Yes Sir”活動. Yes sir是一個青少年的每月聚會,透過歡樂並學習聖經事蹟的活動。

敬拜 Worship:

We strived to lead our Youth in a worship experience each Sunday. The goal is to increase their desire in knowing the Lord and properly feeding them with spiritual nourishments.

時間 Meeting Schedule

Sunday 10a-12:30p

聯絡人 Contacts

Benson Lee 940-297-7423