關於北德華人教會 About NTCC
每位朋友成為信徒 Every friend becomes a believer
每位信徒成為門徒 Every believer becomes a disciple
每位門徒成為工人 Every disciple becomes a servant
每位工人成為僕人 Every servant becomes a leader
Note to English speakers: our youth and children ministries are in English. For adult worship, only our Holy Communion Worship (every first Sunday of the month), and occasional guest preachers will be in English. We have translators for limited live translation services on site. Please plan accordingly.
Thank you for your understanding.
週日 Sunday:
10:00 am-noon 成人崇拜 Adult Worship/ 青少年崇拜 Youth Worship/ 線上直播 Live-streaming
10:00 am-11:15 am 兒童主日學 Children Sunday School at NTCC
週二 Tuesday:
10:00 am- 姊妹團契 / Sister fellowship
週三 Wednesday :
8:00 pm-9:00 pm 分區禱告會/ Prayer Meeting via Zoom
週五 Friday:
8:00 pm-9:00 pm 分區小組聚集 Cell Group via Zoom
7:00 pm-9:30 pm Denton 北德華人學生團契 CCF
8:00 pm-9:00 pm 青年組 Young Professional via Zoom