平安! 希望您們都好! 根據州長在5/18的公布,教會將遵循州政府的開放原則,預定恢復聚會的時間將稍後公布! 教會也會有更多詳細的規範在之後公布。
Dear NTCC members & friends,
Grace, peace and health to you all in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
According to Texas Governor’s Executive order issued on 5/18, many of businesses, restaurants, public service and facilities were reopened with certain guideline, even though many people still concern about the present pandemic situation. The government has given special consideration to houses of worship when issuing orders related to the COVID-19 crisis.
Our church has been closely monitoring government’s order and its plan for the reopening of our in-person fellowship and worship. These are the updated government guideline for church worship guidance: https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/governor-abbott-and-attorney-general-paxton-update-guidance-houses-worship-texas-reopens
When conducting services, houses of worship may consider implementing the following practices:
- Encourage all attendees who are 65 and above to stay home and watch the services online, or provide a “senior service” exclusively for attendees 65 and above to attend in person. 鼓勵所有65 歲及以上的長者繼續留在家裡在線上參與敬拜或聚會活動,或僅為 65 歲及以上的出席者提供「長輩服務」,如果他們想親自參加聚會。
- Ask all attendees who have an underlying at-risk health condition to stay home and watch the services online. 要求所有具潛在健康情況的出席者待在家裡,並在線上參與敬拜或聚會活動。
- Equip ushers and greeters with gloves and masks.為接待員和招待配備手套和口罩。
- Consider keeping child care closed, unless the house of worship can comply with CDC guidelines for child care facilities. 考慮關閉幼兒童看顧事工,除非禮拜場所能夠遵守CDC關於兒童保育設施的指導方針。
- Ensure all attendees sanitize their hands and put on a mask before entering the building. 確保所有出席者在進入建築物前洗手並戴上口罩。
- Ensure attendees sit with their family unit, use social distancing between each unit, and, if necessary, add more service times to facilitate distancing.確保出席者與家庭單位坐在一起,在每個單位之間使用社交距離,並在必要時添加更多服務時間以方便實現社交距離。
- Clergy should dismiss attendees by family unit, maintaining social distancing.牧師應該在聚會結束後安排以家庭為單位的離開教會,在教會保持社交距離。
- Staff should sanitize seats and frequently touched surfaces between services.服事人員應對座位進行消毒,並在聚會之間消毒經常接觸的表面。
- Consider refraining from passing collection plates and instead provide a central collection box in the building or encourage online giving.考慮不要傳遞奉獻袋,而是提供一個收集箱在建築物或鼓勵在線上奉獻。
- Consider how the sacraments can be administered without attendees having to touch the same surfaces and objects.考慮如何執行守主聖餐,而無需接觸相同的餐具表面和物件。
Come back to regular worship and fellowship in person as usual really take time, logistic preparation and faith. Church will not only follow the government’s guidance for church reopen policies, but will stand up our First Amendment right as well. We won’t risk our congregation when we come back for fellowship in person. Therefore, I need you to join with me to patiently pray for our preparation, and God’s protection and guidance. I miss you all and hope to see you all in person soon.
Nevertheless, We will continue to operate the online service and fellowship to serve our congregation when we later come back in person. We will continue to meet our members even though not able to be in person but will still through online alternative during the summer time. Once our preparation is done and ready, I will keep you post when we will officially come back.
May God bless you!!